Special Notes


The only rule I have in my class concerning behavior is:  Always be mindful of the element of RESPECT

RESPECT begins with respect for self.  If you are treating yourself with respect

you only

get it back from those who are around you.

 Come to class on time.

Prepared, Responsible, and Ready to Learn


*****Special Notes*********

          Tests are announced one week in advance.  Quizzes are never announced students should be prepared at all times.   

          Absences:  If a student is absent he/she should speak with me and make arrangement for one-on-one review and to establish a date for all work to be turned in.

Missing Assignment(s) / Cornell notes can be obtained from the hanging folder in the classroom (see orange folder on the wall).


          Late Work:  The students have one week from the due date to turn in work, however; late work only receives 50%

 credit.  If a student has a 504 plan or an IEP due dates will be establish on an individual basis based upon the requirements of the prior mention plans and an established agreement with the teacher.
